Enhance Drainage with DuPont Tyvek® DrainWrap™ CA
We are highlighting another one of our amazing products. The Tyvek® DrainWrap™ CA is, as the name suggests, an exterior wrapping material that uses impressive engineering to drain unwelcome water away from the wall. The wrap is composed of a unique non-woven fiber structure and a vertically grooved surface, which serves as a moisture barrier that shifts water away from the wall cavity, increasing the structural integrity of the home.
Tyvek® DrainWrap™ CA relocates bulk water and permits water vapor to pass. The wrap helps prevent potential molding and water damage by encouraging drying in the wall system. With the reduction of air slipping through the walls, the wrap promotes energy efficiency. And, Tyvek® DrainWrap™ CA has a simple installation process. Plus, the flexibility of the material makes it easy to wrap around corners.
With the strength of the Tyvek® your projects can get a great amount of protection from behind the cladding. This is an excellent product to use behind rigid insulation as well as Hardie Plank/Panel.
At Roofmart they are available 9’ x 125’ width rolls. Call your local Roofmart to make an order.
For more information on Tyvek® DrainWrap™ CA, including technical data, click here: https://www.dupont.ca/content/dam/dupont/amer/us/en/performance-building-solutions/public/documents/en/tyvek-drainwrap-ca-pis-43-d100060-enca.pdf.